Conostan / SCP

Conostan / SCP

Conostan / SCP เป็นผู้ผลิตสารมาตรฐาน น้ำมันมาตรฐานสำหรับการสอบเทียบ การสร้าง กราฟ เครื่อง AA, ICP, XRF เพื่อวิเคราะห์ค่าธาตุต่าง ๆ ในน้ำมัน เช่น กำมะถัน คลอรีน ค่าโลหะหนัก สามารถเลือกชนิดของน้ำมันได้ เช่นน้ำมันเตา น้ำมันหล่อลื่น น้ำมันดีเซล เป็นต้น นอกจากนี้ ยังมีสารมาตรฐานสำหรับวัดขนาดอนุภาคสำหรับเครื่อง Particle Analyzer
Download Catalog: NEW – Product Brochure

Viscosity Standards น้ำยามาตรฐานสำหรับวัดค่าความหนืด

General Purpose Viscosity Reference Standards manufactured in accordance with ASTM D 2162. All standards are traceable to National Standards and according to ASTM & IP methods.

Sulfur Standards น้ำมันมาตรฐานสำหรับสอบเทียบกำมะถันในน้ำมันเตา ดีเซล หรือไอโซออกเทน เป็นต้น สำหรับการสร้างกราฟเครื่อง X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
Download Catalog: Sulfur Standards Flyer (PDF, 779KB)

A new line of Sulfur in Residual Oil and Sulfur in Isooctane Standards are available. This line features stocked standards from 5 ug/g to 50,000 ug/g, ability to customize standards as low as 1 ug/g, and non-hazardous shipping charges.
Sulfur in Mineral Oil

Sulfur in Residual Oil

Sulfur in Isooctane

Elements in Oil/Spectroscopy Products สารมาตรฐานปริมาณโลหะในน้ำมันรสำหรับสร้างกราฟเครื่อง AA, ICP, DCP, XRF, Rotrode เป็นต้น

Calibration and analysis products for analysis of Elements in oil and other organic liquids using AA, ICP, DCP, XRF, Rotrode and other analytical instruments.

Download Catalog: View Single Element standards Flyer (PDF – 345KB)

D-Series® Products สารมาตรฐาน D3, D12, D-19-0, D19

For Military “Spectrometric Oil Standards” Requirements – D-Series® Blends D3, D12, D-19-0 and D-19.

Chlorine in Oil สารมาตรฐานคลอรีนในน้ำมัน

Seven stocked concentrations of Chlorine in mineral oil from 10 to 50000ppm in 100g bottles.

PremiSolv™ ICP Solvent ตัวทำละลายสำหรับการเตรียมสารมาตรฐานสำหรับเครื่อง ICP / น้ำมันสำหรับตัด Blank หรือค่าศูนย์ Base, Blank Oil และ Stabilizer เป็นต้น

Alternative solvent to replace Kerosene or Xylene for ICP Analysis. Certified extremely low metal content with no sulfur/aromatic odor. Non-Hazardous for shipping/disposal.
Download Catalog: View PremiSolv flyer (PDF)

PartiStan™ Automatic น้ำยาสอบเทียบขนาดอนุภาคตามมาตรฐาน ISO 11171

Particle Counter Standards
Calibration/verification of particle counters by ISO method 11171.
PartiStan™ 2806 traceable to NIST SRM 2806 and prepared according to Annex F.
Initial 11171 calibration fluids available.

AA, ICP, XRF อะไหล่สิ้นเปลืองสำหรับ AA, ICP และ XRF เป็นต้น
CONOSTAN® offers consumables with the help of its parent company, SCP SCIENCE

CRS ChemRe

CRS ChemRe

ผู้ผลิตเครื่องมือทดสอบถังปฏิกรณ์ความดันสูงสำหรับงานวิจัยและพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์ทางด้านวิทยาศาสตร์ วิศวะเคมี ปิโตรเลียม ปิโตรเคมี พลาสติค โพลีเมอร์ อุตสาหกรรมยาและเครื่องสำอาง อุตสาหกรรมอาหาร เช่น ถังสกัดสารความดันสูง (High Pressure Reactor) ปั๊มของเหลวแรงดันสูง อุปกรณ์วาล์วและท่อความดันสูง (High Pressure Valve & Tubing) เครื่องสกัดสารแบบท่อ (Tubular Reactor System) เครื่องสกัดสารสำคัญด้วยคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์แบบยิ่งยวด (Supercritical Fluid Extraction : SFE-CO2 ), เครื่องสกัดสารด้วยน้ำแบบยิ่งยวด (Supercritical Fluid Extraction : SFE-H2O) การทำลาย-ฆ่าเชื้อผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารด้วยความดันสูง (CIP&FIP) การทำผงผลิตภัณฑ์ยาและเครื่องสำอาง (SFE-SAS) การทำครีมผลิตภัณฑ์ยาและเครื่องสำอาง (SFE-RESS) เครื่องสกัดสารอนินทรีย์จากพลาสติคด้วยความดันสูง (High Pressure Reactor) เครื่องศึกษาประสิทธิภาพของตัวเร่งปฏิกิริยา (Catalyst Reactor) เป็นต้น

– Tubular Oven Type Catatest Reactor
– High Pressure Stirring Reactor (Glass / Metal)
– pH Controlled Reactor System with Stirring
– Supercritical Water Oxidation System (SCWO)
– Supercritical Fluid Dryer (SFD)
– Oven Type Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE)
– Cold Isostatic Pressure Reactor System (CIP)
– Food Isostatic Pressure Reactor System (FIP)

ตัวอย่างการใช้งาน (Applications)
Polymerization, Hydrogenation, Dehydrogenation, Oxidation, Amination, Distillation, Organic Synthesis, Catalytic Reaction, Isomerization, Poly-Silicon CVD, Poly-Silicon FBR, Bio- Polymerization, Gasification, Fuel Cell, Supercritical Extraction, Subcritical Extraction, Catalytic Combustor, GTL Process, CTL process, Coal Slag Tester, CO2 Dry & Cleaning, DME Process, etc.

R-201 Series Reactor System
General Specifications
– The vessel of R-201 Series Reactor is metal.
– General Max. Pressure : 414 Bar (6000 psig)
– General Max. Temperature : 500℃
– General Capacity: 100ml~500L
– R-201 & 211 Series Reactors are designed to select between the metal vessel & glass vessel.
And these are designed to move vessel by pressure cylinder easily.


Order Guide
Series Volum ID Conn.Size Stand Heater Max.
201-1 100mL 50mm 1/8″NPT Bench 0.5Kw 6000psig 16in-lbs 60W
201-2 300mL 55mm 1/8″NPT Bench 1.0Kw 6000psig 16in-lbs 1/12Hp
201-3 500mL 65mm 1/8″NPT Bench 1.0Kw 6000psig 16in-lbs 1/8Hp
201-4 1L 94mm 1/8″NPT Bench 1.5Kw 6000psig 16in-lbs 1/4Hp
201-5 2L 107mm 1/8″NPT Bench 2.5Kw 6000psig 16in-lbs 1/4Hp
201-6 5L 145mm 3/8″NPT Floor 3.5Kw 6000psig 32in-lbs 1/3Hp
201-7 10L 210mm 3/8″NPT Floor 8.0Kw 6000psig 64in-lbs 3/4Hp
201-8 Other
Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.

R-211 Series Glass Reactor System
General Specifications
– The vessel of R-211 Series Glass Reactor is glass.
– General Max. Pressure : 14 Bar (220 psig)
– General Max. Temperature : -30~250℃
– Capacity: 100ml~100L
– R-201 & 211 Series Reactors are designed to select between the metal vessel & glass vessel.
And these are designed to move vessel by pressure cylinder easily.

Order Guide
Series Volum ID Conn.Size Staand Heater Max.
Msg.Drive Motor
211-1 300mL 55mm 1/8″NPT Bench 1.0Kw 220psig 16in-lbs 1/12Hp
211-2 500mL 65mm 1/8″NPT Bench 1.0Kw 220psig 16in-lbs 1/8Hp
211-3 1L 86mm 1/4″NPT Bench 1.5Kw 220psig 16in-lbs 1/4Hp
211-4 2L 107mm 1/4″NPT Bench 2.5Kw 150psig 16in-lbs 1/4Hp
211-5 5L 140mm 3/8″NPT Floor 3.5Kw 100psig 32in-lbs 1/2Hp
211-6 8L 160mm 3/8″NPT Floor 7.5Kw 100psig 64in-lbs 1/2Hp
211-7 10L 210mm 3/8″NPT Floor 8.0Kw 50psig 64in-lbs 3/4Hp
211-8 Other
Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.

R-202 Series Oven type Reactor System
Easy to make temperature uniform without effect on
Easy to open & close the cover from the vessel because of pin
Easy to move the vessel by lifting in the oven
 General Specification
 Pressure Vessel
  · Material ( 316SS, Hastelloy C- 276, Ti, inconel, etc.)
  · Capacity : 100ml~2L
  · Design Max. temperature: 300’C
  · Design Max. Pressure: 5000psig

  · Valve , fitting, tubing

Gas Inlet nozzle & Valve
  · Gas Outlet nozzle & Valve
  · Sample nozzle & Valve
  · Cooling coil inlet & Outlet
  · Thermowell
  · Pressure equipmet nozzle
  · Pressure equipmet nozzle
  · Oven Type skid
  · Lifing cylinder
Electric Band Heater
  · Ceramic
 Magnetic Drive
  · 16, 32 In- Ibs
  · Outter & Inner Magnetic
  · DC Motor ( 60W, 90W, 1/8HP , 1/4HP, Etc.)
  · RPM ( 0~3000 rpm)
 Control Box System
  · Digital manual & software control box
  · Touch screen ( option)
 Order Guide
Capacity Material Pressure(bar) Temp.(℃) Viscocity(CP)
100ml~500ml ① 316SS ① 1~10 ① 0~100 ① Below 10,000 ①
500ml~1L ② hastelloy ② 10~100 ② 100~200 ② 10,000~50,000 ②
1L~2L ③ Titanium ③ 100~200 ③ 200~300 ③ above 50,000 ③

* Please select above numbers. ex) CMPTV

 Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.

R-301 Series Catatest Reactor System
 Use of catatest
– Determinations of different variables for researching on Catalyst improvement, such as; Reacting Temperature, Pressure and Feed Flow, reaction temperature, Pressure, Feed flow, reaction kinetics, etc
– Test of Catalyst on Hydrogen reaction
– Catalyst Screen, Selectivity & Activity Test
– Test of Catalyst Life Span
 General Specification
– Catalyst volume (5mL~2L) : 316SS & Hastelloy C276
– Reactor Design Pressure : 1,000psig~6,000psig
– Reactor Design Temperature : 800℃
– Operating Temperature : 650℃
– Operating Pressure : 1200psig
– Liquide Flow rang : 20mL/min~100L/min
– Gas flow range:
⇒ H2 gas : 50mL/min~3L/min
⇒ O2 gas : 50mL/min~3L/min
⇒ N2 gas : 50mL/min~500mL/min
⇒ Feed&Spare gas : 50mL/min~500mL/min
 Order Guide
301 A B C D E F
Series Net Volume Pressure Temp. Power Control System MFC
301 1. 8ml 1. 300psig 1. 300℃ 1. 220/60/1 1. Local Controllers 1. MFC(1)
2. 12ml 2. 500psig 2. 400℃ 2. 220/60/3 2. Local Controllers &
2. MFC(2)
3. 20ml 3. 1000psig 3. 500℃ 3. 220/50/1 3. DAQ System
(Only PC version)
3. MFC(3)
4. 20ml 4. 2000psig 4. 600℃ 4. Other 4. Other 4. MFC(4)
5. 20ml 5. 3000psig 5. 800℃ 5. MFC(5)
6. 20ml 6. 5000psig 6. 1000℃ 6. Other
7. Other 7. Other 7. Other
 Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.

R-302 Series Compact Catatest Reactor System
Compact design of the complete system for easy installation and also easy transport by wheel.
 Oventype Skid
Oven system surround reaction zone can keep the even test without any effect from any change of circumstance. Also, it can of reactor can keep even temperature of oven circumstance.
 General Specification
 REACTOR : 5 ~ 500mL
  · MAX TEMP. : 800℃
  · MAX PRESS. : 6000PSIG
  · ZONE : 2 ~ 5 ZONE.
  · MAX TEMP. : 1000℃
  · ACCURACY : ± 1%
  · SIGNAL : 0~5VDC OR 4~20mA
  · PRESS. RANGE : 0~10,000PSIG
  · TEMP. : 0 ~ 200℃
  · PRESS. : 0 ~ 3000PSIG
  · TEMP. : 0 ~ 250℃
  · PRESS. : 0 ~ 6000PSIG


 Order Guide
302 A B C D E F G
Series Net Volume Pressure Temp. Material Power Control System Gas/Liquid
302 1. 8ml 1. 300psig 1. 300℃ 1. 304SS 1. 220/60/1 1. Local Controllers 1. MFC-Gas
– 1. Gas
– 2. Flow
2. 12ml 2. 500psig 2. 400℃ 2. 316SS 2. 220/60/3 2. Local Controllers &
3. 20ml 3. 1000psig 3. 500℃ 3. Hac-C 3. 220/50/1 3. DAQ System
(Only PC version)
2. MFC-Liq.
– 1. Liquid
– 2. Flow
4. 100ml 4. 2000psig 4. 600℃ 4. Inconel 4. Other 4. Other
5. 300ml 5. 3000psig 5. 800℃ 5. Other 3. Pump-Liq.
6. 500ml 6. 5000psig 6. 1000℃ 4. Other
7. Other 7. Other 7. Other
 Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.

R-401 Series Supercritical Fluid Extraction System & SCWO
– SFE&SCWO can be selected according to its purpose lf use
– Supercritical Fluid Extractions and Reaction’ Capacity, Pressure. Temperature, etc, are all optional selections available
– As for Capacity, it is standard from 20mL up to 2L, and when it should be an optional selections available.
– Designing is available from 20mL up to 500mL for 10,000psig, 5,000psig when 1Liter and 2Liters.
 General Specification
– Capacity : 50mL~10L
– Design Pressure : 10,000psig
– Design Temperature : 0~500℃
– Materials : 316SS, Hastelloy C-276
– Heater Capacity : 0.5~5Kw
– Support Stand : Floor Stand
– “K”Type Thermocouple & Thermowell
– Pressure Gauge & Pressure Transmiter (0~10,000psig)
 Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.

R-401 Series Supercritical Fluid Extraction System & SCWO
– SFE&SCWO can be selected according to its purpose lf use
– Supercritical Fluid Extractions and Reaction’ Capacity, Pressure. Temperature, etc, are all optional selections available
– As for Capacity, it is standard from 20mL up to 2L, and when it should be an optional selections available.
– Designing is available from 20mL up to 500mL for 10,000psig, 5,000psig when 1Liter and 2Liters.
 General Specification
– Capacity : 50mL~10L
– Design Pressure : 10,000psig
– Design Temperature : 0~500℃
– Materials : 316SS, Hastelloy C-276
– Heater Capacity : 0.5~5Kw
– Support Stand : Floor Stand
– “K”Type Thermocouple & Thermowell
– Pressure Gauge & Pressure Transmiter (0~10,000psig)
 Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.

R-402 Compact Supercritical Fluid Extractor System
– Without the effect on surrounding temperature users can make the temperature uniform.
– Users can gain the extract from the extractor more easily than system.
– Users can open & close the cover from the vessel because of pin type.
– Users can move the extractor by lifing in the oven easily.
 General Specification
  · Material : 316SS, hastelloy C-276, Ti ,inconel, etc.
  · Capacity : 50ml~ 1.5L
  · Design Max. temperature : 250℃
  · Design Max. pressure : 10,000 psig
  · coil type
  · insert into the chiller
  · Capacity : 50ml~ 10Liter
  · Material : 316SS
  · gas inlet nozzle & valve
  · gas outlet nozzle & valve
  · thermowell
  · pressure equipments nozzel
  · etc.
 Receiver tank
  · Capacity : 50ml~ 10Liter
  · Material : 316SS
  · Design Pressure : 1~10,000 psig
  · Material : 316SS
  · Connection : 1/4″~1/8″
  · electric band heater
  · Bath capacity : 6~30 Liter
  · Temperature range : -20~100℃
 Order Guide
302 A B C D E G
Series Capacity Pressure Temp. Material Power Control System
402 1. 50ml 1. 300psig 1. 100℃ 1. 304SS 1. 220/60/1 1. Local Controllers
2. 100ml 2. 500psig 2. 200℃ 2. 316SS 2. 220/60/3 2. Local Controllers &
3. 500ml 3. 1000psig 3. 250℃ 3. HC-276 3. 220/50/1 3. DAQ System
(Only PC version)
4. 1000ml 4. 2000psig 4. Inconel 4. Other 4. Other
5. 1500ml 5. 3000psig 5. Other
6. Other 6. 5000psig
7. 10,000psig
 Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.


R-501 Series the Automation System
– Temperature monitoring & PID control
– Pressure monitoring
– Pressure Control(option)
– Agitating Speed Monitoring & PID Control
– pH Monitoring
– ISE Monitoring(Options)
– pH Control(Options)
– Conductivity Monitoring(Options)
– DO Monitoring(Options)
– COD Monitoring(Options)
– ORP Monitoring(Options)
– Safety : Overtemp & Overpressure monitoring & Shutoff function
– Programmable Temperature Control(Options)
– Wave Form Chart : Auto Scale Date (Time vs. Scope, Sweep Chart), Format & precision Control Mapping mode (Linear or log axis), Zoom in Rectangular
– Elapsed Time (HH:MM:SS) : Shows Entire Elapsed time.
– Reaction Time (HH:MM:SS) : Shwos Date Saving.
– Support Korean version of File Name.
– Saving Data with ASCII Format
 Please contact to us for other temperature, pressure and capacity besides above standard specification.


Software Program
 All systems can be remotely controlled by the Software Program.

DC Scientific

DC Scientific

ผู้ผลิตเครื่องแก้วทดสอบน้ำมันปิโตรเลียมตามมาตรฐาน ASTM และเซ็นเซอร์วัดค่าอุณหภูมิแบบ Pt-100 สำหรับเครื่องมือทดสอบทางด้านปิโตรเลียมแบบอัตโนมัติ้น



ASTM Petroleum Glasswares & Pt-100 Temperature Probes
ASTM D86 Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure

D86 Glassware and Accessories / Downloadable PDF File

D56 Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester
D87 Melting Point of Petroleum Wax
D92 Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup
D93 Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester
D97 Pour Point of Petroleum Products
D130 Copper Strip Test for Petroleum Products
D287 API Gravity of Petroleum Products Hydrometer Method
D381 Gum Content in Fuels by Jet Evaporation
D446 Viscosity Tubes
BS/IP/RF U-Tube Reverse Flow

DC Scientific Viscometer Tubes and Accessories Downloadable PDF
DC Scientific Viscometer Tube Repair and Recalibration Downloadable PDF

D473 Sediment in Crude and Fuel Oils by Extraction Method
D524 Ramsbottom Carbon Residue of Petroleum Products
D611 Aniline Point of Petroleum Products and Hydrocarbon Solvents
D525 Oxidation Stability of Gasoline
D665 Rust Preventing Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil
D721 Oil Content of Petroleum Waxes
D892 Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils
D942 Oxidation Stability of Lubrication Greases
D943 Oxidation Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oils
D1160 Distillation of Petroleum Products at Reduced Pressure

D1160 Glassware and Accessories Downloadable PDF
D1160 Vacuum Distillation Instrument Downloadable PDF

D1217 Density of Liquids by Bingham Pycnometer
D1266 Sulfur in Petroleum Products
D1319 FIA System

DCS FIA Columns, Systems and Accessories Downloadable PDF

D1401 Water Separability of Petroleum Oils and Synthetic Fluids
D2001 Depentanization of Gasoline and Napthas
D2007 Characteristic Groups in Rubber Extender and Processing Oils
D2386 Freezing Point of Aviation Fuels
D2500 Cloud Point of Petroleum Products
D2983 Low Temperature Viscosity by Brookfield Viscometer
D3242 Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel
D3427 Air Release Properties of Petroleum Oils
D4530 Determination of Carbon Residue (Micro Method)
D4636 Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability
D6371 Cold Filter Plugging Point
D7279 Houillon Viscometer



เป็นบริษัทชั้นนำในการผลิตเครื่องทดสอบคุณสมบัติน้ำมันหล่อลื่น เครื่องทดสอบการสึกหรอของชิ้นส่วนเครื่องจักรกลโลหะ เครื่องทดสอบคุณสมบัติเชิงกลของเครื่องจักร เครื่องมือทดสอบคุณสมบัติของตลับลูกปืน เป็นต้น

Ducom Instruments was founded in 1978, and has grown to be an internationally leading manufacturer of test instruments for mechanical characterization of materials. Our range of products and services broadly comprise of:

  • Lubricant Testers
  • Tribometers
  • Mechanical Testers
  • Bearing Testers
  • Surface Metrology
  • Contract Testing

Over the years, more than 1500 laboratories across the world have chosen test instruments by Ducom for their research, development and quality testing. With the widest range of tribology testing instruments, including some of the most technologically advanced instruments in the industry, our products can help you study most situations where understanding wear, friction and lubrication behavior is important.

เครื่องมือทดสอบคุณสมบัติน้ำมันหล่อลื่น (LUBRICANT TESTERS)

Four Ball TesterASTM D2783, D2596, D2266, D4172, D5183

The Ducom’s Four Ball Tester TR 30 family is designed to determine wear preventive (WP), extreme pressure (EP), frictional fatigue and shear stability behavior of oils and greases.
Compliance with ASTM D2783, D2596, D2266, D4172, D5183, CEC L-45-T93 (optional), DIN 51359-6 (optional), IP 239 and IP 300 (optional).A rotating steel ball is pressed against three steel balls firmly held together and immersed in lubricant. Test load, duration, temperature and rotational speed are set in accordance with standard test schedule.
-WP tests: average scar diameter of the stationary ball is reported.
-EP tests: the load is increased after every run of the spindle until the contact fails.
-Rolling contact fatigue failure is indicated by increase of vibration.
-Shear stability is determined with a tapered rolling bearing.
main characteristics

  • Measurement of actual load, rotational speed and temperature
  • Frictional force is recorded live during the test
  • Coefficient of friction is displayed online
  • Scar diameter can be measured with an optical microscope
  • An image acquisition system acquires the image of the scar on the PC

 Timken OK Load Tester ASTM D2509 & 2782
The Ducom Timken OK Load Tester uses a steel bearing race pressed against a steel block creating a line contact, recreating many real life tribological contacts. Grease is poured into the contact area and the load is increased until the lubricant film is broken.

Evaluation of extreme pressure properties and COF of lubricants

ASTM D2608, D2782, IP326, IP 240

Test Variables

  • Load
  • Feed rate

Pin on Vee Block TesterASTM D2625, D2670, D3233, D5620

Extreme pressure and Wear Preventive performance evaluation of Lubricating Oils, Grease and Solid Lubricants.


ASTM D5620, D2625, D2670, D3233, IP241

Test parameters

  • Load
  • Rotational speed
  • Temperature
  • Test duration
  • Frıctıonal Torque

Reichert Tester


For evaluation of (WP) and (EP) properties of lubricants and additives. Quick method to detect the formation of lubricating film between two test surface. A drop in noise level (screeching) to identify when a lubricating film is successfully formed.

Significant utilization to evaluate and rank of products
– Very useful for additive depletion studies and lubricant selection for metallurgy
– Effective tool to determine lubricant quality while in use in machinery
– This tester is capable of testing both lubricating oils and greases
– Ducom incorporates instrumentation to monitor and log noise level

Low Temperature Torque TesterASTM D1478

To detect the tendency of various greases to resistance to the rotation of bearing at negative degrees Celsius. Mainly for aerospace applications and equipment in sub zero environment.
– On line measurements of torque and temperature
– Liquid Nitrogen to cool sample to test temperature
– PID controlled test temperature
– Software to record and display on PC

Standards                 Test Variables
ASTM D 1478               Load

High Temperature Grease TesterASTM D3336


Evaluation of lubricants at high speeds, high temperatures and low loads

ASTM D 3336

Test Variables
Test Duration

Shear Stability TesterASTM D6278, IP234
To evaluate the shear stability of polymer- containing oils in terms of the permanent viscosity loss when a sample is mechanically stressed.
Method of Testing
The test fluid is mechanically stressed by pumping through a diesel injector nozzle and a diesel Injection fuel pump.
Samples are taken after the fluid has completed a predetermined number of passes.
Viscosities of the original sample and of samples taken during the test are determined.
The extent of oil degradation due to shear forces can be calculated.
ASTM D 6278, IP 234

เครื่องทดสอบการสึกหรอของชิ้นส่วนเครื่องจักรโลหะ (TRIBOMETERS)

Abrasion Tester (Dry and  Slurry)ASTM G65, G105, B611
The Ducom Abrasion Tester is very versatile, offering a wide operating range with excellent control over test parameters.

Test Standards

ASTM G65 – Standard Test Method for Measuring Abrasion Using the Dry Sand/Rubber Wheel Apparatus

ASTM G105 – Standard Test Method for Conducting Wet Sand/Rubber Wheel Abrasion Tests

ASTM B611 – Standard Test Method for Determining the High Stress Abrasion Resistance of Hard Material

Rotary Tribometer – Pin/Ball on DiskASTM G99


The Ducom Rotary Tribometer comprises of a precision controlled drive that controls disc rotation. The counter specimen – which may be a ball, pin or any other custom geometry – is held firmly in a friction/loading arm. A known load is applied upon the counter specimen to achieve the desired contact stress.
The Rotary Tribometer is a fully computer controlled test system. Operator may choose and set the desired test parameters from the Ducom TriboAcquire control and data acquisition system. The test parameters are displayed and output is recorded.


  • Evaluation of wear resistance of bio-materials
  • Wear and Friction properties of thin films and coatings .
  • Tribological tests on polymers, soft materials and coatings in lubricated, lubricated and corrosive conditions.
  • Determination of working load limit of soft coatings like PTFE and other polymers.
  • Product development and quality control of surface engineered products

Test Standards: ASTM G99

Linear Reciprocating Tribometer (LRT)-HFRR ASTM D6079, G133, CEC F-60-A-96
DUCOM LINEAR RECIPROCATING TRIBOMETER SET UP FOR LUBRICANT ADDITIVE TESTING Materials and lubricants are often subjected to repeated back and forth (reciprocating) movement, in many real applications, from automotive to biotribological environments.

High variety of sample geometries available in order to study:

  • Point contact / Line contact / Area contact

Test Standards: ASTM D6079, G133, CEC F-60-A-96

Gas Jet Erosion TesterASTM G76

Principle of operation

The Ducom Air Jet Erosion Tester is designed to impinge test samples with controlled flux of erodent. The test system is versatile and allows users to control impingement velocity , impingement angle, erodent flux and temperature. The result of the test is reported as the loss of weight of the sample. It may be converted to volume loss for comparative ranking of materials.


  • Erodent flux rate control
  • High temperature test options
  • Double disc velocity meter
  • Easy changing of samples
  • Easy replacement of nozzles
  • Easy machine operation

Test Standards: ASTM G76

Slurry Jet Erosion Tester


A rectangular sample under evaluation is made to rotate in a slurry cup. The sample is weighed before and after the test to determine loss of mass due to slurry erosion. Volume loss is computed for comparison, due to difference in densities of materials. Index of erosion is reported as loss of volume.
The test rig permits running up to 6 test samples at the same time and same speed. Slurry cups are immersed in water bath to maintain slurry temperature. Test duration can be preset with timer.


  • Preset revolution count / duration of test.
  • Heating/cooling fluid circulation jacket.
  • Up to six different samples tested together.

Slurry Pot Erosion Tester


A rectangular sample under evaluation is made to rotate in a slurry cup. The sample is weighed before and after the test to determine loss of mass due to slurry erosion. Volume loss is computed for comparison, due to difference in densities of materials. Index of erosion is reported as loss of volume.
The test rig permits running up to 6 test samples at the same time and same speed. Slurry cups are immersed in water bath to maintain slurry temperature. Test duration can be preset with timer.


  • Preset revolution count / duration of test.
  • Heating/cooling fluid circulation jacket.
  • Up to six different samples tested together.

Roller on Roller Tribometer
The Roller on Roller Tribometer is intended for friction and wear evaluations of materials and lubricants that operating under roll and slide conditions as seen in gears, rail roads and other such applications. With two servo con-trolled drives, this system is capable of performing tribological tests in pure sliding to rolling contact tests.

  • Users can define the percentage of slip and roll
  • Precise control over speeds and directions
  • Fully automatic computer controlled
  • Continuously variable speed
  • Options for automated loading and temperature control

Multi Mode TribometerADVANCED MULTI CAPABILITY TRIBOMETERASTM G99,G133, G77, D3702, D5183, D2266, D4172, DIN50324
By choosing appropriate configurations, some or many of the following test standards may be possible on your Ducom Multi Mode Tribometer.

  • ASTM G99 – Standard Test Method for Wear Testing with a Pin-on-Disk Apparatus
  • ASTM G133 – Standard Test Method for Linearly Reciprocating Ball-on-Flat Sliding Wear
  • ASTM G77 – Standard Test Method for Ranking Resistance of Materials to Sliding Wear Using Block-on-Ring Wear Test
  • ASTM D3702 – Standard Test Method for Wear Rate and Coefficient of Friction of Materials in Self-Lubricated Rubbing Contact Using a Thrust Washer Testing Machine
  • ASTM D5183 – Standard Test Method for Determination of the Coefficient of Friction of Lubricants Using the Four-Ball Wear Test Machine
  • ASTM D2266 – Standard Test Method for Wear Preventive Characteristics of Lubricating Grease (Four-Ball Method)
  • ASTM D4172 – Standard Test Method for Wear Preventive Characteristics of Lubricating Fluid (Four-Ball Method)
  • DIN 50324 – Tribologie; Prüfung von Reibung und Verschleiß; Modellversuche bei Festkörpergleitreibung (Kugel-Scheibe-Prüfsystem) / Tribology; testing of friction and wear model test for sliding friction of solids (ball-on-disc system)
Process of hot forming is performed under severe conditions of pressure and temperature at tool contact. Surface of tool in contact with job suffers wear due to flow of hot metal. Estimation of tool life requires friction and wear data under realistic conditions.
High Temperature Tribometer is such an apparatus for physical analysis of sliding contacts and expansion of test strip under wide range of conditions.

  • Metal Forming, High Speed Rolling and Drawing
  • Metal Working
  • Additive development

คุณสมบัติเชิงกลของเครื่องจักร (MECHANICAL TESTERS)

Automated Indentation Tester
Change in mechanical properties of materials during service reveals health and integrity of components. In case of critical component in service, it is not always possible to extract standard test specimen for laboratory test. In this situation, in-situ nondestructive testing on in service components is required and the Automated Indentation Tester is the instrument of choice in such cases.

  • Ball Indentation (BI) test is in situ method of determination of aging related changes in material properties of components.
  • Advanced design with software based operation, data acquisition and analysis
  • Adaptors for field testing of pipes and bench testing of small samples.
  • Ball impression is less than a mm in diameter, hence nearly a nondestructive test.
  • Ideally suited for weld zone and HAZ as testing is localized.
  • Strain or Stress controlled loading and unloading curve.
  • Correction factor for indentation area to account pile-up/sink-in.
  • One-click surface integrity assessment for time saving and comfort.

Rotating Beam Tester (High Cycle Fatigue) – DIN 50113

The purpose is to carry out rotating bar bending fatigue tests without deliberately introducing stress concentration in accordance with DIN 50113.
A test piece mounted as a cantilever with single point loading is made to rotate and thus subjected to a bending moment. The force giving rise to the bending moment do not rotate.

Test Standards: DIN 50113



There is a growing trend towards the use of modified surfaces for improved performance and life of components. Modifications are invariably in the form of coatings on base material. They are deposited by electroplating, vapor phase deposition, diffusion, thermal spray or welding. Coatings need to be characterized for parameters like scratch resistance, critical load, adhesion and nature of damage under high stress. The Scratch Tester by Ducom facilitates these measurements over a wide range of parameters.

เครื่องมือทดสอบคุณสมบัติของตลับลูกปืน (BEARING TESTERS)

Journal Bearing Tester (Basic)

The Ducom Journal Bearing Tester (Basic) is designed to demonstrate and study pressure distribution behavior of lubricants in journal bearings.
The system consists of a vertically mounted journal driven by a variable speed motor. The load is applied radially to the bearing with a loaded lever. Journal bearing assembly is immersed in lubricant. An electronic sensor measures the oil film pressure. The angular position of the pressure senor with respect to the load line is varied and pressure is recorded.
Pressure is plotted as a function of angular position of Cartesian or polar form to demonstrate the pressure distribution. Test variables are journal speed, radial load and lubricant viscosity.

Journal Bearing Tester (Advanced)

To study the hydrodynamic pressure distribution and heat dissipation during journal bearing lubrication .



ผู้ผลิตเครื่องทดสอบปริมาณน้ำในน้ำมันโดยวิธีการไตเตรตแบบอัตโนมัติ โดยหลักการ Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration สามารถทดสอบกับตัวอย่างของแข็ง เม็ดพลาสติก สารเคมี ตัวทำละลายไฮโดรคาร์บอน น้ำมันหล่อลื่น น้ำมันเชื้อเพลิง น้ำมันดีเซล น้ำมันเตา น้ำมันที่ระเหยยาก เป็นต้น เครื่องหาปริมาณน้ำดังกล่าวมีจุดเด่นในการทดสอบนอกสถานที่โดยไม่ต้องใช้ไฟบ้าน และสามารถใช้ได้กับแบตเตอรี่สำรองที่อยู่ในเครื่องได้โดยตรง ทำให้สามารถทดสอบได้ทุกที่ ตามความต้องการของผู้ใช้งาน นอกจากนี้ยังมีเครื่องทดสอบค่า Hydrogen Sulfide ทั้งแบบตั้งโต๊ะและแบบติดตั้งในส่วนการผลิต เครื่องวัดค่าแอมโมเนียในก๊าซ (NH3 in Gases) เครื่องวัด Total Dissolved Gas in Oil และเครื่อง Gas Chromatography แบบทดสอบนอกสถานที่

Karl Fischer Titrators - Overview

Aquamax KF Plus


Aquamax KF Plus
in-lab ppm water determination in liquid samples




Aquamax KF Portable


Aquamax KF Portable
on-site ppm water determination in liquid samples




Aquamax KF PRO LPG


Aquamax KF PRO LPG
Water determination in gases according to standard ASTM D 7995 - 19




Aquamax KF PRO Oil


Aquamax KF PRO Oil 
Water determination in oil samples according to standard ASTM D 6304




Basic Module


AQUA 40.00 Basic Module
Water content of liquid samples and gases




AQUA 40.00 Vario


AQUA 40.00 Vario
Water content of solids, pasty samples, oils, suitable also for hygroscopic samples, for larger sample volumes (0.5 up to 100 mL), as manual version or with autosampler, for vial sizes 2 R up to 50 R (heating temperature up to 300 °C)




AQUA 40.00 with HT 1300


AQUA 40.00 with HT 1300
High Temperature Oven Module for water determination in solid, pasty and liquid samples at heating temperatures up to 1300 °C






Online determination of water content in oils

Volumetric titrators - Overview

Alkalinity Titrator


Alkalinity Titrator
Determination of carbonate and bicarbonate hardness of water




Bromine Titrator


Bromine Titrator
Determination of Bromine Index or Bromine Number of hydrocarbons according to standards
- ASTM D 1159
- ASTM D 2710
- ASTM D 5776




 Volumetric KF Titrator


KF Titrator
Volumetric water determination in liquids




Sulfur Titrator


Sulfur Titrator
Determination of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan sulfur in hydrocarbons and oils according to standards

- ISO 3012
- ASTM D 3227
- UOP 163
- UOP 212




TAN/TBN Titrator


TAN/TBN Titrator
Determination of  total acid or base number of oils and fats according to standards
- IEC 62021-1
- ISO 3771
- ASTM D 664
- ASTM D 2896
- ASTM D 4739

H2S, Sulphide Determination - Overview

H2S Analyzer Lab


Determination of hydrogen sulphide in liquids and gases - laboratory version, automatable with autosampler for liquids




H2S Analyzer Cubi


Determination of hydrogen sulphide in liquids and gases - compact version for laboratory use or on-site measurements




Headspace Module for H2S Analyzer Lab or Cubi


Headspace Module
Module to extend the H2S ANALYZER Lab or Cubi for analysis of solid samples




OnlineH2S for gases


OnlineH2S for gases
Continuous quantitative determination of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in gas mixtures






Online determination of sulphides/H2S in wastewater even below the odor threshold

OnlineNH3 - Ammonia in gases




Analyzer for online determination
of NHin gases









The OnlineNH3 is used for the continuous quantitative determination of ammonia gas (NH3) in gas mixtures.

The system is designed with an integrated dilution step for measurement of very high concentrations (100 - 20000 ppm). Also very low contents in the range of odour treshold (0.1 - 100 ppm) can be measured.

Gas analytics - Overview

MobilGC 2


MobilGC 2
Portable gas chromatograph in a robust case
with internal gas supply for use on-site and




MobilGC for LPG


MobilGC for LPG
Analysis of liquefied and compressed gases
according to Standards ASTM D 2163
and D 2598




MobilGC for cooling gases


MobilGC for cooling gases
Portable and robust gas analyzer for mobile
use in a harbour situation






GasExtractor for gas in oil analysis
Completely automated system that extracts gases from oils and other highly viscous liquids by vacuum




Fermentation test system GärOnA


Fermentation test system GärOnA
Automated lab fermentation system with
online gas analysis



Device version

Device version for particularly high


Beleuchtungsmodul für PhytolabelBox

Illumination Module for


PhytolabelBox in the greenhouse

PhytolabelBox in the greenhouse

  • Cultivation of plants in controlled atmosphere
  • Regulation of oxygen (O2) and carbondioxid concentrations (CO2)
  • Labeling of plants by introduced 13CO2
  • Additional control of  air pressure, humidity and temperature
  • Available as fitting version for the application in incubators

The PhytolabelBox is developed for controlled plant breeding. Constant conditions inside the cultivation box are achieved by automatic control of the composition and property of the atmospheric gases. Therefore, the phytolabelbox is suitable for test series about plant growing and metabolism.

The PhytolabelBox is equipped with different gas connections for synthetic air (20 % O2 / 80 % N2) or, if requested, a separate supply for oxygen and nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Furthermore, it comes with a fused drain for exhaust air. The humidity is kept at the desired level by an effective Peltier cooling unit. A slight overpressure of 10 mbar against the ambient pressure can be set.


When running long-term experiments, the plants can be supplied individually with water and nutrients via additional supply lines.

Moreover, the PhytolabelBox can be used in incubators at temperatures between 10 °C and 40 °C and in the ambient pressure range of 955 hPa to 1061 hPa. The gas supply, the measuring and control unit as well as the computer are located outside of the incubator.

The Illumination Module extends the possibilities of the PhytolabelBox. The luminous colour and illumination intensity are adjustable. Various climatic conditions can be simulated.



GloveBox - Working under exclusion of air

GloveBox for working under exclusion of air

GloveBox for working under exclusion of air


SnLayer - Thickness of tin layers

SnLayer - Analyzer for thickness of tin layersSnLayer - Analyzer for thickness
of tin layers


The thickness of the non-alloyed and alloyed tin layer on thin copper wires can be measured with high accuracy in a short duration by the electrochemical Analyzer SnLayer.

The coulometric determination of the thickness of the tin layer at the copper wires based on a newly developed procedure: the technique of voltammetry with a multiple potential-ramp.

The total amount of tin as well as the non-alloyed and the alloyed tin-part is detectable in only one measurement.

Sampling Kits

Mobile Gas Sampling Kit


Mobile Gas Sampling Kit - Easy gas sampling everywhere




Manual Oil Sampling Kit


Manual Oil Sampling Kit - Contamination-free taking of oil samples